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A former soap star has written a blog complaining about her treatment in a pharmacy when attempting to obtain emergency contraception Writer and former Home and Away actor Christie Hayes wrote …

Discount Drug Stores has opened its first store in the ACT and plans to roll out more stores around the nation. Now in their 15th year of operation Discount Drug …

Gabby Squires from Jenny Milner-Marsha Watson Pharmacy has been selected to represent Victoria at the national finals of the 2016 Pharmacy Guild of Australia/GuildSuper Pharmacy Assistant of the Year Award. …

Shadow Health Minister Catherine King has said that Labor will continue to fight proposed increases to PBS co-payments. Ms King opened the joint PHAA 44th Annual Conference and 20th Chronic …

With just two weeks until the end of the CPD year, the Guild Academy has announced an online course to assist pharmacists in understanding the use of Ellipta devices in …

Protection, promotion, prevention are three key pillars for good public health and provide a framework for improving the public’s health, PHAA CEO Michael Moore says Adequate investment by governments and …

Southern Cross Care is aiming to help improve the use of antibiotics in some of its aged care facilities with a project led by leading pharmacists Southern Cross has partnered …

Are new advances in payment technology costing small retailers more? Our pharmacy recently changed banks for our merchant facility (eftpos machine). We have moved from a blended rate for visa …

It’s been another busy week for the pharmacy sector – and for once, the King Review was not the only review that got people talking. The long-awaited response to the …

Across the country pharmacists are doing it tough, with low (and dropping) wages a key theme emerging in submissions to the King Review At PSA16, Lance Emerson announced that, “Pharmacist …

Should they be left alone, tweaked or scrapped altogether? King Review submissions reveal a variety of opinions So far the Review of Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation has received and published …

A compounding pharmacy has been criticised for dispensing a withdrawn substance… but is the reproval warranted? Dr Ken Harvey, from Monash University’s School of Public Health, has notified the AJP …