Ben Basger offers some counselling tips and a treatment plan for the problem of nappy rash Try this test. Choose an area of hairless skin on your own body where …

Complementary medicines company Flordis has slammed a paper showing that CAMs are of limited use in treating menopause symptoms. Following the recent Medical Journal of Australia publication of a Monash …

Ahead of Federal Parliament resuming next week, the AMA is calling on the Government to renew its focus on addressing the many ways that the misuse of alcohol is causing …

There is a strong link between symptoms of depression and cognitive decline, new research from Edith Cowan University has found. Researchers examined 460 West Australian adults and found that people …

Professional Pharmacists Australia is calling on the leaders of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia to drop its support for slashing pharmacists’ weekend and public holiday pay rates. The Productivity Commission’s draft …

It’s time for a national system for the Electronic Recording and Reporting of Controlled Drugs, says Pharmacy Guild executive director David Quilty. Writing in this week’s edition of Guild newsletter …

NPS MedicineWise has announced that Be Medicinewise Week will be held again this year from 12-18 October 2015, with a theme of “Be medicinewise at all ages and life stages”. …

Early results of an Ebola vaccine efficacy trial show 100% efficacy in individuals, says the World Health Organization. Results from an interim analysis of the Guinea Phase III efficacy vaccine trial …

Pharmacists can’t assume their patients are equipped to make good health decisions, writes Ben Basger How health literate are your patients? Health literacy is the ability to access, understand and …

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has welcomed the release of the discussion paper ‘Better outcomes for people with chronic and complex health conditions through primary health care.’ Releasing the discussion …

Australia has achieved a major milestone in patient safety, reaching one billion prescriptions dispensed electronically through eRx. Electronic transfer of prescriptions improves patient safety by increasing confidence that the correct medications are …

A new report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows that there have been some improvements in cardiac care and lower death rates from cardiac conditions for Aboriginal …