Remote pharmacist and tireless advocate for improvements in Aboriginal health, Andrew ‘Robbo’ Roberts, has been named the PSA Pharmacist of the Year for 2015. Roberts is also renowned for advocating …

Australia needs to reject racism and end the poor treatment of Sydney Swans star Adam Goodes, writes George Tambassis As tens of thousands of young Australians take to sporting fields …

Various conditions and medications can be a cause of dental and oral problems, writes Karalyn Huxhagen, as can a range of habits consumers may not realise can damage their teeth. …

Tasmania’s King Island Pharmacy, destroyed earlier this year by fire, has re-opened, Pharmacy Alliance has announced. Co-owned by Pharmacy Alliance founder, Simon Reynolds, King Island Pharmacy was destroyed in an …

From today, the Generic Medicines Industry Association will be known as the Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association. After patents expire on brand name medicines, affordable generic and biosimilar medicines deliver …

The NSW government has granted a licence for research on medical cannabis to nutritional pharmaceutical company, Medlab Clinical, making it one of the first commercial entities in NSW. Medlab operates …

SBS Australia’s chief football analyst, Craig ‘Fozz’ Foster, has joined the fight against antibiotic resistance by rounding up the best sneeze action this cold and flu season. Providing expert opinion and …

The RACGP has created a new guide for GPs on prescribing benzodiazepines, focusing on patient-centred care, accountable prescribing and harm reduction – and called for a real-time prescription drug database. …

Eating disorders such as anorexia have led a group of academics to establish a specialist interactive, theatrical program that may help people to tackle a problem which affects 9% of …

Does the schism between clinical pharmacy and community pharmacy actually exist? wonders Taren Gill—and could it be a barrier to pharmacists offering professional services? During a session at APP2015 on …

All placebos aren’t created equal: the way they’re delivered can make a difference in how patients respond to the sham therapy, new research has found. A systematic evidence review published …

As trade ministers meet in Hawaii on 28-31 July in an effort to finalise the Trans Pacific Partnership, the Public Health Association of Australia and other stakeholders say that lives …