What do underpants, bungy jumping and First Aid supplies have to do with retailing? They have one key thing in common, writes Mal Scrymgeour. Elastic. It’s not something you think …

It’s an exciting time to be in pharmacy, says PSA Young Pharmacist of the Year 2015 Amy Page—and the profession now has the numbers to expand where it practices and …

New research into the scope and success of the world’s first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in Dementia shows high completion rates and an unexpected demographic mix. Researchers from the …

Terry White Chemists says it’s on track for a record today, with more than 500 delegates from around Australia pouring into Melbourne’s Grand Hyatt for what promises to be the …

Children in the Northern Peninsula Area are about to receive access to a special annual dental treatment and preventive program as part of an innovative research project from August this …

Young women are worryingly complacent about cervical cancer screening, says Cancer Council Victoria – so the organisation is set to remind them of its importance. A campaign launching in Victoria …

Australian medicines exports have declined by 30% in one year, and Medicines Australia says this highlights the enormous challenges facing the local industry as they struggle to remain competitive in …

Forward pharmacy needs to be formally recognised in university pharmacy schools, and pharmacists given the tools to embrace professional services and counselling fully, says Bobby Afshari, owner of Blooms the …

The first National Allergy Strategy has been released by the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy and Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia and welcomed by the Pharmacy Guild. Developed over the …

Terry White Chemists has partnered with The Common Good to raise money for unfunded medical research projects. The Common Good was established to prove that everyday people can make things …

Sitting too much, known as sedentary behaviour, has been linked to increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and premature death according to a recent Canadian study, the National Heart Foundation …

The NSW Branch of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has recognised three of its members for their outstanding achievements in the profession. Awards in the following categories were announced: NSW …